
A self-contained theatrical seance that'll scare the wits out of even the hardiest of souls!
Perfect for Halloween or anytime of year, all you need to supply is a room or theatre and an audience ready to be terrified!
DSE will transform your room in to a Victorian "sitting parlor", and will conjure up a troup of ghosties and goulies
and things that definitely go BUMP in the night!
Is it real? Did they imagine what they think they saw? Many will return... many will choose not to!
The entire performance runs 22 minutes and can be repeated after a 10-minute re-set time.
Dr. Fochsister's Seance of Terror can
be presented up to five times daily.
What we supply:
Ten (special effect) centerpiece candleholders.
Necessary personnel and costuming.
All special effects, lighting, props and sound equipment.
Liability insurance in the amount of $3,000,000.00
What you supply:
A light-tight, permanent building performance venue, preferably
with a stage. A balcony is a big plus.
Approx. ten 60" or 72" round tables, with chairs. (Optionally, these can be rented from Doc Swan Entertainment). The amount of tables used is only restricted by the capacity of your venue.
Electrical outlets.
It's that simple! You supply the guests, we supply the ghosts!